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What to expect from therapy?

  • During the first visit, information is gathered from you to complete a comprehensive assessment. This is used to collectively create a treatment plan. Don’t worry, this all happens through an organic conversation….
  • Once a treatment plan is created, we will discuss how often to meet.  Most women meet weekly.  To create change, consistency is important.  It won’t happen overnight, however, imagine feeling better and seeing progress within months.   I also encourage women to consider coordinating holistic care.  This means that it is important for women to take care of the body, mind, and soul.  I am happy to help you find the correct specialist to do that.  
  • While some therapists see clients for years and years, I don’t necessarily practice that way.  Most women I see are anxious about a transition and need to get unstuck.  I provide solution-focused brief psychotherapy.  
  • I pride myself on providing you with hands-on activities to work on between sessions.  Remember the key to therapy is you can gain tools to get yourself unstuck. You already have everything you need…I’m just happy to be able to provide a safe space for you to activate the women you are destined to be. 

What if I take medication?

Medication can be effective but it alone cannot solve all issues. Seeking professional medication management can help you best understand decisions on what is best for you.  I also encourage women to consider coordinating holistic care.  This means that it is important for women to take care of the body, mind, and soul.  I am happy to help you find the correct specialist to do that.    

What does an individual session look like?

Sessions normally begin with reviewing homework and catching up on what has happened since we talked last. Therapy is based on the therapeutic goals we have created for you in the treatment plan.  As we all know, life can be messy and things can come up that need to be addressed during sessions.  Each person has different goals for counseling, so the approach will be different depending on the individual. I tailor my therapeutic approach to your specific needs. 

How long will it take to see change?

Unfortunately, this is impossible to answer.  Everyone’s circumstances are unique and the length of time for counseling can take time to accomplish your goals.  It also depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek counseling in the first place. 

We do review your treatment plan with goals frequently to ensure you are staying on track and making progress so we can make adjustments and/or create additional goals.  

How do I get the most out of therapy?

Your active participation and dedication will be crucial to your success.  Therapy is not always easy and can bring challenges that take time to work through.  It is SO important that as you become compassionately curious about your own life, you also give yourself grace and kindness in the process. 

Please give yourself permission to enjoy the process! 

What are the benefits of using an Online Client Portal?

Schedule your appointments 24/7 online.

  • Receive auto-reminders for appointments.
  • Set up a payment option on a secure portal.
  • Easy to use and accessible by mobile phone.
  • Access documents that the therapist uploads for you confidentially.
  • Secure messaging is available.